By Bob Livingston • May 1st, 2009 • Category: Bob Livingston, Health, Personal Liberty Articles
Well, it’s sugar—but we measure it as blood sugar or insulin in the body. Sugar, that sweet and dangerous toxin, is basic to the American diet. No wonder we are born dying!
Here is the point: When our sugar consumption pushes over fasting 10 IU/ml, we begin to become sugar burners instead of fat burners—and weight and health problems begin. This includes most of us.
Low insulin stops our bodies from burning sugar and switches us to burning fat. We can forget weight loss as long as we are burning sugar and not fat, no matter which plan we are on.
"One of the earliest effects of excess insulin is weight gain, as insulin stimulates the storage of fat and the burning of sugar. Excess insulin (sugar) lowers cellular levels of magnesium, a mineral that relaxes the arteries and improves blood flow. Insulin also increases accumulations of sodium, causing fluid retention, resulting in high blood pressure. Elevated insulin also increases inflammatory compounds in the blood that damage the arteries and promote the formation of blood clots that may cause a heart attack. It stimulates spasms in the arteries and arrhythmia in the heart. Furthermore, it causes abnormalities in blood fats, including reductions in protective HDL cholesterol and elevations in triglycerides and small, dense LDL cholesterol. All this translates into a significant increase in risk of heart disease." (The Rosedale Diet.)
Bottom line is—don’t eat sugar and refined carbohydrates. This is difficult because the food processors have us all addicted. There just isn’t much left that doesn’t have fructose corn syrup in it. We have to read every label.
Now every time we see an overweight person, we know that there goes a sugar burner for fuel.
High blood sugar levels is a hallmark of aging and disease. The reverse of this is to say that low blood sugar and low insulin is a hallmark of health and longevity.
If we decide that low blood sugar is the basis of longevity and health, then we must be saying that our medical doctors are doctoring symptoms. Our M.D., should be telling their patients, "I can’t help you until you get your insulin (blood sugar) down and then you won’t need me." He wouldn’t dare!
If what we are saying here is true, most medical practitioners would have no patients. Instead of prescribing Lipitor® etc., they should be trying to get us to lower our blood sugar or insulin. High cholesterol and low insulin don’t go together. They repel.
If modern medicine didn’t have symptoms they wouldn’t have a reason to "practice" medicine. For medicine is primarily symptomology.
What causes high insulin? It is sugar in any form. Oh, you know that. But do you know that any carbohydrate in any form other than fiber is eventually metabolized by the body into sugar? Refined carbohydrates is a basic food in America.
Yes, and the worst carbohydrate offenders are breads, grains, cereals, pastas and starchy vegetables. You can eat these seemingly good foods every day and eventually become a diabetic. When these foods are eaten, insulin levels soar. If sugar is available and the body is given a choice between burning fat and burning sugar, it burns mostly sugar and stores the fat.
What happens to extra sugar that isn’t burned? It gets made into saturated fat, which is resistant to burning. What happens to all that stored extra fat? It produces even more insulin in response to sugar which worsens insulin resistance. This deep fat won’t burn. Deep fat (visceral fat) causes serious health problems.
The fatter we get, any weight loss diet or health concern which does not deal with high insulin will fail. And before there is any benefit, insulin levels must fall.
Horrors! If our body is in a sugar burning mode and we don’t eat, our body will break down the protein in lean tissues, including muscle and bone, into sugar.
The key and the secret is to become a fat burner by eating good fats like fish and chicken. An excellent fat is coconut oil. Good fat is good to eat. It will help you burn fat. Fat burns fat if it is good fat.
The "low fat phobia" in America has created a mind-set in the medical community and in the whole population that borders on insanity.
The body runs best when it can burn fat as fuel. Eating good fat is not what makes us fat. It is the inability to burn fat that makes us fat. And the body won’t burn fat until we eat good fats that switch the body from sugar burning to fat burning.
Overweight people are sugar burners. They need to change their bodies to fat burners.
The food industry reaps the greatest profits from starchy carbohydrates (pasta, bread, cereals), which are the sugar burning foods that cause high insulin. Far less money is required to preserve them than foods high in fat such as meat and fish, which require refrigeration during transport and in grocery stores. Far more money is spent to advertise and promote low-cost starchy foods. And think what it does for the medical establishment!
PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ALL YOUR ASSOCIATES ( friends, family, neighbours, "enemies", people you just don't like, people you just don't give a damn about, and others). Most of them may have a problem with OBESITY, OVERWEIGHT and BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL.
Make it happen today....it will be too late when Tomorrow shows up.
Thank you.
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